
This e-shop is operated by Czech company located in Southern Moravia in city of Brno.
Stock of spare parts and accessories and preparation of shipments is operated from Uhersky Brod, near CZ factory.
Ing. Vladimíra Švendová, Josefy Faimonové 2236/17, Brno, Czech Republic, Europe

Trade identification number 69665141, EU VAT-ID:  CZ7557283866

Business license: OZU/18620-2019/RYM, Mestsky urad Slapanice

Fell free to contact us with any of these options:

Trade contact

Please use for short messages box "Write to us" on left side of every web page. 
To call us use this phone no.: +420 724 982 511   (business hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., GMT +01:00, Monday-Friday).
For sending us documents etc. please use this e-mail: 

For bank transfers you can see our bank accounts numbers at checkout form in the shopping cart.

Support contact

On every product page you can put questions in the "Send question about the product" form.  The question will be forwarded to respective product manager quickly.
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